Thursday, February 4, 2010

Meet Guck

"Guck" is Noah's new lovey ... he sleeps with it and carries it around with him wherever he goes. He also loves to read his truck books and point out trucks wherever he can. He came home from Grammy's house with this little truck and he calls it "Guck". We don't know where Grammy got it and she can't remember either. So we live in fear of the day that "Guck" goes missing ...

One night Greg went out for a few hours and I couldn't find "Guck" anywhere. We spent the entire time either texting Greg to tell me where "Guck" could be found or wandering the house searching for "Guck's" whereabouts. This also happened to be around the same time Noah decided that he liked Daddy more than Mommy. Very suspicious if you ask me ...

Dear Sleep ...

The never-ending ear infection saga is hopefully coming to a close. We met with the specialist last week and she has recommended us for tubes. I think she was expecting me to put up more of a fight regarding the surgery. But at this point, I can't stand seeing my little dude in pain and frankly, we all could use some more sleep in our house. (Well, everyone except Gary and Louis, I think they get plenty of sleep). So, while I'm not crazy about Mr. Noah having to go through any kind of medical procedure, the thought of him hearing everything as if he's underwater and trying to sleep while he's in pain, makes me sick ... let's hope this helps, because I could use a few more Zzzzz's if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

Dear Sleep,

I know I didn't appreciate you in the past, but I want you to know that I do now. I miss you and hope that we will meet again one day in the very near future.


The Himovitz-Ries Family

Mmmmmm ... Coo-Coos!

I love my chocolate-chip coo-coos!

Meet my new cousin ... I love her!

Noah loves his cousin, Molly. He calls her "Ba-beee" and loves to share his toys with her, especially when she's nursing. He gives her kisses and points to her nose. He also loves sitting in her vibratey chair.

The perfect day ...

This past weekend I blew off school on Saturday and decided to see how real people live ... I can't believe what I've been missing. We were almost a normal family! We spent the morning drinking coffee with friends at the house and then we went to lunch with Nana and Papa and then off to the park ... I can't remember the last time the three of us just hung out playing together. Don't get me wrong, we play together at home and we see each other before Noah goes to bed, but this was different. This is what weekends are supposed to be like ... After the park we headed to Ikea and wandered the kid section with what seemed like the rest of Sacramento and then had some friends over for chili and a game of celebrity ...

The day was perfect! On the one hand, it feels like law school is almost over and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. On the other, it doesn't feel like it's going to happen soon enough. Right after graduation I start bar prep and then I have to wait for the results ... I guess it just feels like more hoops and more time away from Noah, Greg and Gary (Louis doesn't really care if I'm there or not).

I'm not a crazy person. I know that life after law school will still require time away from the family. But it will be one thing; one job and it won't require me to spend all of my nights away from home and it won't require me to spend my weekends reading federal income tax law. I will almost be a "normal" person and I seriously can't wait!

Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!