Monday, August 4, 2008

Time to go and get some tacos...

These people clearly don't want to go home ... I'm sitting here and waiting for class to end. Not because the class is uninteresting, but because BHR and I want Tacos!

I'm having this problem, where I just dislike people for no reason ... I know we're all here to learn, but seriously, I can only listen to cases of child abuse and statistics for so long. Especially when I have tacos on the brain!

This class is actually quite interesting. We are talking about the when the courts and government should intervene in cases of child abuse. So that's interesting stuff right? The problem is this ... everyone has to share or question, because it's a huge subject and everyone has something to say. We're law students for cryin' out loud. But seriously, I did this already! I have a masters in social work ... so I've heard it. I'm not trying to be cold or insensitive. This stuff is serious, and really important, but you know how it's usually easier to pretent like the bad stuff doesn't exist? Well, that's how I feel right now ...

When I was reading the material, there was a series of newspaper articles that chronicled different cases of child abuse ... it made me think about the responsibility of raising a child and what that means to me; raising my own's scary, but exciting.

Emotionally, I will never understand how someone abuses a child. I can read study after study and never really get it makes me feel lucky and fortunate to have the family I have and to be able to learn what I'm learning ... but it doesn't make me a bad person for wanting to leave class and go and get tacos.

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Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!