Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Some New Noah Videos ... You don't have to watch them all

Noah might think something is funny...

Noah has a new do...

Sing it Nana!

Going to Nana's Bday

Chit chatting...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Soy cheese is not cheese...

Noah and I went to the doctor today to check on his poop and see if my diet changes/sacrifices have worked...turns out its all been worth it! Noah's poop was blood-free! While the idea of eating soy cheese for the next 9 months makes me cringe, I know its all worth it because Noah is doing better...

Noah weighs 12.06lbs and is 23.5 inches long.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hopefully ... waiting

Tuesday night I was in Constitutional Law, at about 8:00pm someone shouted "Barrack Obama just won!" The class applauded, except for me because I feel weird about applauding things that aren't happening live in front of me, sort of like when people applaud in the movie theater, don't they know that the actors aren't actually in the screen... anyway it was an amazing moment. One that I'm sure I will never forget. History was made and more importantly I felt hopeful and excited ... maybe our country won't turn to complete shit afterall?

While I was excited and happy that the right person will be running our country, a good person, I am still completely shocked about Proposition 8! I have always felt special living in California. I felt like I was part of this open and tolerant place, a place that was teased about being liberal and I was proud. How could so many people around the country vote for hope and change and at the same time, so many people in California also vote for discrimination and bigotry?

I struggle with the idea of celebrating too much about how we have elected our first African-American President and at the same time my state has now openly discriminated against an entire group of people. California voted to give chickens and cows more rights, which I believe they deserve, but at the same time, same-sex couples watched their rights get taken away. Do people really value chickens more than people? We are the first state to openly discriminate against an entire group of people.

I think I'm still stunned ... still stunned that Prop 8 passed and that I have a right to marry and my dad still would not. What makes the love that I have with Greg so much more superior than someone else?

I was excited to a part of history on Tuesday night, I never actually believed that I would live to see an African American President in the White House. Maybe my son will get to live to be able to see same-sex couples get the same rights as everyone else, but I hope it doesn't take quite as long ...

I found this quote on the No on 8 site to be very insightful:

“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.” Anne Lamott

I think I waited and watched too silently, maybe I didn't work hard enough and in fact, maybe I gave up. Because maybe I was just too presumptuous and I just assumed that everyone thought like me, that we all deserve the same rights and that there was no way that Prop 8 would pass, how could it? I'm hopeful that the dawn will come and everyone will have the same rights as everyone else.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Welcome Back Muscles, Goodbye Jiggly Bits

Yesterday was my first run back ... I met Leah at Fleet Feet and bought new shoes and then we met at her house. I was determined to do at least 3 miles. I didn't care how slow. I was so excited!

Noah and I trailed behind Leah and Evelyn the whole way, but it felt amazing! So much fun to be running again. So much fun to have Noah there to experience something that I love. I remember when I was a kid my mom used to take me along with her on her bike rides. I sat in a chair on the bike of the bike. I remember one time, I think we were going to pick up Lucas at school, and my mom was making a lasagna and I got to bring some of the extra noodles with me while I rode on the back of the bike. I remember feeling special ... I'm sure Noah won't remember being pushed around in the BOB, but hopefully this becomes something that I'm able to do for a while and then he'll look back like I did about the lasagna noodles and bike ...

Anyway, Leah and I ran around Land Park. We started out walking to the Park for about a mile and then "ran" another 3 and then walked back to her house. I was probably running slower than I did when I first started running in 2000. My body felt like it was moving so fast, but my mind new better. I saw my shadow moving along side of me and I'm pretty sure I could have stopped and walked and beat my own shadow, but I didn't really care because I was finally running!

Things were definitely jigglier than I remember and I don't remember my boobs being quite so heavy and bouncy before, but again, I was running, so it didn't matter. Things hurt and ached and I was breathing very hard. I couldn't wait for the street lights to turn red so that I could stop and wait, but it all felt amazing.

I'm not as sore as I thought I would be. The motions and the movements felt very familiar, so maybe some of muscles remember this feeling. It took me almost 5 years to get to the pace I was at before I got pregnant, I'm hoping it doesn't take that long again ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Get out the vote ...

Hope everyone remembered to vote today!

Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!