Our little boy turned one today! It's amazing to think about how fast this last year has gone. So cliche to say "it feels like only yesterday ..." but it does! I was in the kitchen yesterday, getting ready for the day and this little person walked by me. So amazing.
Part of me feels very excited to begin the next stage in Noah's journey, our family journey really, but part of me wants to slow down a bit ... I'm like this with most things though. I wish I could fast forward to the end and then go back and experience it all for reals. Part of it is that I hate the anticipation of not knowing how everything is going to go down and the other part of it is that I'm just really excited! I have very little patience...
I remember
bringing Noah home and he was so little and floppy and now he's walking around and talking...this morning he got off the bed all by himself. His first real word with association is "doggie" and he is also really into bubbles. He points to the bubbles and says "bubbies!" It's pretty cute. His car seat is now facing forward and it's so funny to turn around and see his chubby little face looking back at me.
I had a minor meltdown last night after trying to make a special birthday cake for him and failing miserably. So today I'm trying to be calm and remind myself that Noah won't even remember this so it's okay if it's not perfect ... but if I'm being honest, that's so not what's going to happen. He only has one first birthday and he's not going to have half-baked cake with chunky, blue, runny icing ... that's just not okay.
It's so amazing that this little person is now this little person! He's grown and changed so much in just one year ... he has almost all of his teeth. I love listening to his big, belly laughs and I love seeing him experience new things. He loves being outside and loves Louis and Gary. His face lights up when he's in the water and when I pick him up from daycare he comes toddling over to me with his arms in the air. Nothing makes me happier than picking him up and having him wrap his chubby arms around me...it makes leaving him during the day worth it.
I'm going to stay positive and patient in anticipation of all the next fun experiences we're going to have ... and I'm going to go and bake another non-gross first birthday cake.