Here's the latest on what's going on in our house ... at his last check-up Noah weighed 14 lbs and 13 ounces. Noah has been drooling like crazy lately and sticking his hands, and anything else he can grab, in his mouth. We learned that this could be a sign that he is teething.
He hasn't been too fussy since I changed my diet, however the last couple days he has been extremely fussy. Greg and I were both searching online for information and I of course called the doctor's office. They basically told me what I read online, which is really annoying, because why did I sit on hold for 25 minutes? So, Noah is teething ...
After I spoke with the doctor's office we searched for a teething ring...long story short, the one that we found was bad (not BPA free, which is basically kiddie poison ... when you go to the store and you buy the non BPA free stuff I feel like the person at the checkout is looking at you like "How could you give that to your baby?!?! Are you trying to poison the kid!?!?", so I don't buy that stuff whenever possible.) So, off to Goores we went ...
The teething rack had several options ... teethers that enhance touch and taste, BPA free, butterflies, raspberries, ridges, cooling sections, vibrating strawberry teethers, it's a bit overwhelming. So I just decided we needed one of everything! Then a couple walked by and recommended a giant giraffe teether, so we added that one as well. Greg and I know own 5 different teethers. Including a giant giraffe, a raspberry, a vibrating strawberry, a cooling ring and a butterfly. Let's hope it helps, cause I hate hearing Noah cry:(
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