Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chompers Himovitz-Ries

So I had a dream last night that I delivered some giant blond baby AND he had a full set of teeth. It could have been because I had just watched So You Think You Can Dance right before I went to bed and Nigel "Chompers" Lythgoe gives me the heebie jeebies, but regardless of why I dreamt it, it was traumatizing!

The dream went like this ... Here I was, all exhausted from giving birth and then they hand me some large, like 40lbs-large, baby and he has blond hair! That was strange enough, but then when he went to breast feed or something all I saw were these big chompers comin' at me. I tried to explain to the nurses that a full set of teeth on a newborn was not normal and that this couldn't possibly be my child and they insisted that it was the new "thing" and all babies have teeth now ... saves on orthodontic work later or something. Anyway, now I'm scared of labor, delivery, anesthesia and "chomper babies"!

When I thought about the dream I decided this ... the teeth thing was definitely because of Nigel Lythgoe and the blond hair thing was because I read in my pregnancy book last night that parents with dark hair are sometimes surprised to see that their newborns have blond hair and then I pictured what Greg and I would look like with blond hair.

The giant baby thing, well I think that's just because everyone keeps telling me how BIG I look and saying things that they think are funny, but in reality it's not that funny to say to a 5'1", 8 1/2 month pregnant woman "Are you sure there aren't two babies in there?" or they ask when I'm due and I tell them September and their jaws drop to the floor and then they say "Really?! That's going to be a BIG baby!"

Just so they know, that's not helpful! I know my tum-tum is big and that there is a living baby inside it, I don't need the reminder of how large I am or how big he is going to be ... the hole down there will either accommodate him or it won't, so basically I just have to trust the doctor's when they tell me "everything is measuring normal." If he doesn't fit through the hole that is provided, then the doctor's will look for other options ... I vote for the option with the least amount of pain, but that's just me.

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Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!