Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oh Crystal man, how I wish you would bring me some more tasty lemon yogurt...

My latest craving for the day is lemon chiffon dannon yogurt. I have never been a major lemon-citrus person, but for some reason with this pregnancy I love all things lemon. I bought this one flavor because I needed one more yogurt to get my 10 for 10 deal at Safeway and so I grabbed this one thinking that it would be the one that I leave for Greg to eat because he likes all the weird flavors, but something about it seemed to entertain my taste buds this morning and I ate it. It was quite tasty, so tasty that I even considered going out to the food store to purchase 10 more ... I didn't.

When we were younger we used to have the Crystal man come to our house and deliver us milk and yogurt. I feel like he even delivered us english muffins, but that could be wrong. We always got lemon yogurt and cherry yogurt. It's weird that we even got the yogurt and the milk considering my mom dislikes both foods and I don't recall Lucas or I being big milk drinkers. I loved waking up and opening the door and seeing our breakfast treats waiting for me. I only remember it happening when the weather was nice and by nice I mean in my memories it always felt like Fall, I could be wrong ... everything great happened in the fall.

It felt like school was starting and the air was chilly, but you knew it was going to heat up later. Lucas and I would walk to Deterding together ... I always hated walking across the grass because it was wet and my socks would get soggy. I loved walking to school with Lucas though.

I also used to like checking the newspaper in the morning. I liked checking the weather, I wanted to be a weather person. I think that changed early on, but I don't remember. I wonder what BHR is going to want to be when he grows up? I wanted to be a fashion designer at one point, and a firefighter, but mostly I remember wanting to be a civil rights lawyer ...knowing that I've wanted to do this for so long you would think that I wouldn't hate law school much, but unfortunately that's just not the case. Law school will be worth it in the end I imagine ... once school is done, I'll be able to afford to have the crystal man come and deliver me some tasty lemon yogurt ... although, now that I think about it, does the crystal man even exist anymore, I feel like he doesn't and that makes me a little sad.

Maybe Greg will be the Crystal man and bring me some tasty lemon yogurt? I won't make him wear the outfit and he doesn't have to leave it on the front step, although that would be kinda' fun to wake up to some tasty treats on my front porch. Also, Greg doesn't like my yogurt, so he would probably bring home some weird organic-all-natural-yogurt-creme-stuff that has 800 calories that only people who are 6'1" should be eating ... I'll have to think about this plan some more, but that yogurt sure was tasty!

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Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!