A lot has changed in the last two weeks ... I started a new job, Noah has started pulling himself up on everything, he got his first big fever, his first ER visit, daycare, separation anxiety and finger foods. Noah broke out into a high fever on Wednesday, so I rushed home from class. His fever was 103.7 and he was so hot and sad looking. I felt awful, there was nothing we could do. Apparently the doctor's don't see babies his age until the fever is over 105! They said to monitor, nurse and give him tylenol. What does monitor mean!?!?
He went to the doctor on Thursday, he was diagnosed with a throat virus. He went to the doctor on Friday and they said something similar. Saturday the fever broke and he got a rash and then around 3:00pm he started crying every 2-10 minutes for most of the night. We called the doctor because he seemed to be in a great deal of pain in his abdomen and the doctor said we needed to go to the ER. He cried for most of he time while we waited in the ER, the grossest place EVER, and then as soon as we got to see the doctor Noah was a complete angel. The doctor said nothing was wrong with him and that the rash should go away on its own and we should see our pediatrician before we could start daycare. As soon as we left the ER the crying started again ... Sunday morning we went back to the pediatrician's office and he looked at him for a couple of minutes and determined that Noah had baby measles roseola. He said he should be fine in a couple of days...we got home and the crying started again around the same time and he fussed for most of the evening. So I called the doctor again, yes, I'm a bit insane, I call the doctor a lot and he said the abdominal pain could be something else, but it will probably go away on its own ... not very helpful.
Its so hard when Noah seems to be so unhappy and so uncomfortable and he can't tell us what hurts and the doctor's don't really know, but just say "it should go away on its own." I decided that his crying is one of my least favorite sounds.
Noah did not start daycare on Monday. Instead he stayed home with his grammy and his nana. He was still a bit fussy, but by Tuesday morning, I felt like I had my little boy back again. He was smiley again and playful ... until we went to daycare.
That's not to say that daycare was bad or that it went poorly, but Noah showed his first signs of separation anxiety. I know everyone told me that it would be difficult and that I would cry. I didn't cry, but when I left him on Wednesday he was screaming and that was one of the worst sounds I have ever heard!
Daycare went okay ... I'm convinced that the daycare ladies don't like me and that they think I'm a bad mommy because I didn't get the doctor to sign the "ointment" form or pack more frozen breastmilk or breakfast. But, in my defense, we don't really use ointment and Noah hasn't been eating as much because he was sick last week. I explained that, but I still think they thought I was lame, not that it matters because they seem to really like Noah.
It was a bit scary leaving him on the first day. Not because I was worried something would happen to him ... its hard to explain. I set him down on the floor with the other little babies and he seemed curious, but shy. He reached for the toys around him and crawled around and then looked for me. He had never really had a problem going to someone else, or being held by other people before. It was almost flattering that he needed me and that he missed me, but it broke my heart to have to leave him. It was like watching the new kid on a playground; hoping the other kids like him and that they won't pick on him or that one of them will share their snack. I know its different because they are infants, but you know what I mean.
My mom loves to tell the story of my first day of kindergarten. Apparently there was a tray of donut holes. I went up grabbed a handful and then fell asleep under a table. Noah didn't grab any donut holes or fall asleep under a table. He watched the little boy sitting in the basket and crawled over to him to see what he was doing. He grabbed on to the side of the basket and then crawled back over to me.
I'm glad that I'm only working part-time right now and I'm glad I'm able to ease him into the daycare situation because I'm not so sure I can handle more crying after last week's crying spells.
For now, I'm enjoying the new challenges and exciting changes that are happening in my family. Noah's growth and happy smiles. Today I went to take a bath the bathtub was still filled with Noah's toys ... so today I took a bath with a squishy sea horse and froggy sponge. Things have definitely changed.
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