Friday, June 13, 2008

Best Day Ever!

Gary and I started our morning off with a one hour walk with our friends. What a beautiful morning ... Friday's are my happy days. No school, laid back work day and the beginning of the weekend.

The best thing about today is that Gary got to come to work with me. There are only 3 people in the office today and they said it was cool, so I packed up all of Gary's toys and necessary items and headed off to the office.

Here's what I've decided. If everyone were able to bring their animals to work, having to go to work everyday would be much more enjoyable. He smiled the whole way ... he freaked out a bit in the elevators, but otherwise he seems to be very happy. He's holding his giant aligator baby and lying on the floor. Everytime I get up from my desk he follows me and smiles as he trots along side.

"What could possibly make today better" I asked myself and then it appeared ... A giant box of Cap'n Crunch! Oh Cap'n Crunch, how crunch in my mouth and delight my tastebuds with your sugary goodness.

Today is the best day, not just because I'm spending it with the best dog ever, but also because he loves spending it with me and now we have a giant box of sugary goodness.

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Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!