Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I never really believed that much in carbo-loading ... or I should say, it's not that I didn't believe in it, but I mostly participated in it when it was convenient. So, basically when I wanted to over eat carbs. I could say "I'm carbo-loading, I have a big race" or "I have a tournament and I need to make sure I have energy." Really, what I meant was "Mmmm, pizza ... mmmmm, pasta ... mmmm, bread."

Why are carbs so tasty? Why do I only want to eat carbs right now? I'm not running or playing soccer. I am walking a lot and swimming some, but not enough to need the carbs.

I have been viewing my pregnancy as a marathon ... but not just the race, the training as well. Maybe pregnancy is the training and labor is the race? Who knows. Either way, I'm carbo-loading so that I can be ready for the big day.

Oh pizza, pasta and bread, why must you be so tasty? Why must you tempt me so? Why do you never fill me up and allow me to eat all of your fluffy goodness at such a rapid rate?

I'm trying not to be too hard on myself and to allow myself to eat the things that make me happy and make me feel good's fun to eat and then feel BHR bounce around and knock on the inside of my belly. Sometimes I think he knocks harder than others, I pretend its him critiquing my food choices. If that's the case, I think BHR wants me to keep carbo-loading ... I want him to be happy, so carbs I shall eat.

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Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!