Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Speed and thin thighs ...

This morning Gary and I set out for a short walk around the park. Our training group can't make it this week so Gary and I are on our own. It was a beautiful morning and I left the headphones at home.

Gary had so much fun, smiling the whole way. He would walk ahead and then come back by my side and look up at me, as if he was making sure I was enjoying myself as much as he was. While he was looking up at me, I was thinking "How did he get like this?"

Is it because of Greg and I? Does he get his weird quirks from me or from Greg? Will BHR pick up my weird quirks? Maybe he won't like his food to touch, or he'll have to eat everything in small pieces and in sections like me. Maybe he'll rub his feet together while he sleeps like Greggie.

I know that BHR and Gary are different. I didn't create Gary out of my own flesh and blood, but I know he picks up on things...I wonder why he likes to hold his stuffed animals, also known as his babies, while we all sit and watch tv? He doesn't rip the fluff out, he just lays there, gently holding them between his paws and his mouth. Is he protecting them?

I hope I don't make BHR as strange as I am, but I hope he's unique. I know he'll be special, because he'll be mine and Greg's and that's special to me, but I hope he's his own. Of course I don't want him to be completely without my traits, because I think it's neat to think about where I get my characteristics ... like my mom's laugh or her strength or the way that sprint and my dad's style and artistic vision ... It can't all be genetic, because I'm a lot like Ed too and we're not blood - related.

If I were to disect myself, what would I find? Obviously there would be blood and organs and stuff, but I mean, where did I get my aversion to artificially flavored strawberry food? I like thinking that I'm part of the people that have touched me and made me who I am. I hope I can pass along the good to BHR and avoid the bad.

Maybe BHR will get Greg's patience and creativity? But what I'm really hoping for is that he gets my speed with Greg's thighs:) Keep your fingers crossed ...

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Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!