Monday, July 14, 2008

30 weeks, 10 more to go!

Today I am 30 weeks pregnant! BHR weighs 3 lbs, like a head of cabbage, and is about 15.7 inches long. I feel huge and tired and I'm constantly questioning whether or not I can do this.

I stayed home from work today ... feeling nauseous and exhausted. I called the Doctor, which was really the nurse, and she thinks it sounds like I have a bit of stomach bug. I think I'm just a weak pregnant person ... I slept most of the day and feel like I could keep sleeping for the rest of the week. Honestly, how do so many women do this?

Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's the fact that I'm huge or that BHR is taking up more space in my body and it's requiring more energy, but I hope I can get adjusted sooner rather than later, because not only do I feel lousy and wiped out, but I have stuff to do and school is going to start back up in a few weeks and I am actually, finally looking forward to these classes! Not all of them, let's not get crazy, but a few of them...

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Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!