Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Peeps in the appointment?

Today is the big day, the day we hopefully find out if BHR is a he or a she. I'm about to start drinking my water because I have to drink 16 oz. of water 1 1/2 hours before the appointment and I can't pee! Let's hope I don't peeps all over the place in the appointment because frankly, asking me to drink that much water and not pee is asking a lot right now! I'm sure they've had accidents, not that I want to be one of them, but still it's a bit much if you ask me. With today's technology and they still haven't found a way to make it so pregnant ladies don't have to drink 16 oz. of water 1 1/2 hours before they have a 30-60 minute appointment. Cheese and rice people! Instead of making another contraption that plays newer and better movies on your tv, can we first work on the ultrasound process?

If I peeps my pants in the appointment, maybe I will embarrass BHR and it will be the first time BHR gets embarrassed to be seen with his/her parents? It'll be a funny story we tell "remember the time when mommy peed all over the doctor's office?"

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Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!