I couldn't take it anymore ... I know I'm supposed to be studying, but I was surrounded by dirt and stink. My dog is stinky, I'm stinky (I am studying and haven't showered yet, I don't know what Gary's excuse is) and my house felt stinky. Greg doesn't want me to use the harsh chemicals in the cleaning products,and I know they aren't good for me and BHR so I was careful! I promise, but I couldn't take it ...
I was memorizing deeds ... general warranty, special warranty and quitclaim and I just couldn't do it! So, I stood up, stepped away from the notebook and began to clean. At first it was just going to be the bathroom, but then I decided why not do the floors?
I realize all I was doing was pushing one ball of hair from one side of the room to the other, but in the end it made me feel good. I don't know how Gary or I have any hair left to be honest. He's a pretty fluffy dog, but I'm pretty sure I just vacuumed up half of him from my floor.
I used Greggie's new "green" cleaning products and put one fluff of hair from the kitchen into the living room and this was satisfying to me. I did use the pinesol to mop and I'm sure it's not "green" but I love the smell of pinesol. It reminds me of my mom's house and as you can tell, if you've read any of my other posts, everything good begins and ends at my mom's house.
Gary, didn't appreciate the cleaing very much. I don't know if it was because he felt like he was being pushed aside or if the vacuum just scared him. Louis was confused and would take trips up and down his cat tree to greet the vacuum. He's not afraid of anything.
I wonder if this is what my kids will be like ... Gary is adorable and sweet and a bit starved for attention all the time, but also a bit fragile and scared. Louis is very independent and strong, only wants to come and love you on his terms. He's playful and a bit crazy. Both are loving,but in their own way. Gary never wants to leave my side and Lou Lou just comes and goes as pleases. Did Greg and I make them this way? I know kids are not animals, but Louis and Gary are my family.
I know a lot of people say that when you are pregnant you start nesting, and I gues that means cleaning a lot. I've never been a clean freak, but it's strange ... I like the house clean when I begin things. I can't pack for a trip until the house is clean and all of thelaundry is folded and put away. I think I got this from my mom. I know she's the same way with the laundry.
Unfortunately we don't travel that much ... Greg always asks why the house is always cleaner for when we are leaving and dirty when we are in it? I don't have a good answer.
So, I may or may not be nesting, but I don't think it's fair to put my studying procrastination on BHR ... maybe it's a good justification for the study break, but it needed to be done either way. AND, like I said, I didn'treally clean so much as I just moved fluff and dirt from side to side.