Monday, April 21, 2008

Bell Pepper

So today I'm at 18 weeks ... I'm about the size of a bell pepper. I'm wondering when this bell pepper is going to start moving or if he/she has already moved and I missed it! I don't want to miss anything, but at the same time, how am I supposed to know what this feels like. I'm a pretty gassy person to begin with, so if it feels like gas, BHR's movement could go unnoticed. I've also heard it could feel like flutters ... I don't know what that will feel like, but I'm ready.

I keep waiting and wondering... then I make the mistake of reading articles online about "when you should call the doctor" or "7 signs your baby is in trouble" these are awful articles meant to scare me! Don't these website people know that I'm paranoid that every little pain or tingle makes me want to call the doctor?

I'm sure I'm fine, and I'm sure BHR just takes after his/her mommy and likes to sleep a lot, until then I'll just sit and wait for the gas to pass:)

1 comment:

Runnergal said...

Hey Julia,
best I can say is that you're probably feeling some gassy/fluttery movements, but they feel funny, weird, not normal, but may not feel like a human. they do become stronger. Just you wait girlfriend. I saw waves in my tummy last night, but remember, i'm 26 weeks, almost.

Gary and Blue Baby

Gary and Blue Baby
I love my blue baby ... thankth for vithiting BHR!